
Services Announcement

  • 13th June 2013
Attn: Point Action Services Customers   We have setup a new way for those who are interested of using a SSL Certificate secured email server for sending and receiving your email.  This is optional way if want to use it. Current way is Incoming Mail Server – - POP3 Port 110 and IMAP 143 Outgoing Mail Server ...
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PHP 5.3 is coming to the end of its life

  • 4th June 2013
We are currently running PHP 5.3.25 and will be planning to upgrade to 5.4.x with the next 1 to 4 months from today. This all depends on security, stability and protection for PHP. This is very important information to read below for both users and website developers. In PHP 5.3.x we have in place Suhosin ...
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