
We have made a few changes to all of our servers

  • 5th February 2015
We changed Apache from Apache 2.2.29 to Apache 2.4.12 – This provides better performance and better security for website you can go to for more information. PHP will stay the same for now at version 5.4.37. We do have plans to upgrade to PHP 5.5.x within the next 4 to 8 months from now being that ...
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Get rid of your uptime worries for good. We watch your website.

  • 30th January 2015
Our main goal is to improve your infrastructure performance and prevent downtime to keep you online and available for your customers.

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Point Action Services is offering an exclusive 15% Off

  • 27th January 2015
We are offering an exclusive 15% off for life on all web hosting plans listed at to everyone.

Promotional Code: promo

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  • 25th January 2015
We just went live with our new website a couple days ago It took 60+ hours in this redesign and part of this design is that it was our goal integrate the billing system into the website so you all only have to go to access the billing system instead having to go a new window that had the billing ...
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