Billing system changes

  • Wednesday, 7th August, 2013
  • 21:00pm

We made some changes to our billing system by increasing the maximum deposit amounts for those who want to add credit to their account with us.


All you have to do is go to the client area or


Login to your account


Then click on Billing and select Add Funds


Add Funds Deposit money in advance


You must have at least one active order before you can add funds so you cannot proceed at the current time!


Add funds to your account with us to avoid lots of small transactions and to automatically take care of any new invoices to generate.


Minimum Deposit $ 25.00 Enter the minimum amount a client can add in a single transaction

Maximum Deposit $ 1,000.00 Enter the maximum amount a client can add in a single transaction

Maximum Balance $ 5,000.00 Enter the maximum balance that a client can add in credit


Thank you,


Point Action Services, Inc.

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